Author, novelist, essayist, editor, poet, teacher



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Lito Velázquez is a queer Cuban-Canadian-American POC from Toronto who has published stories, poems, and essays in Canada and the US. His work can be found in the Tahoma Literary Review, the  Rumpus, and Motionpoems, among other publications. He was nominated for a Pushcart Prize and won the Gilbert Prize.

Lito earned an MFA in Fiction from Syracuse University and an MA in English Literature from UC Davis.

Lito co-hosts LitFriends Podcast with Annie Liontas, in which they interview great writers about the intersections of literature and friendship. He lives in Asbury Park with two cats and is finishing work on his debut novel.



Lito has held a variety of professional writing positions in advertising, marketing, health sciences, journalism, and the entertainment industry. He has been responsible for delivering several types of documents, from social copy to 10,000 word features, structured documents to clinical studies, and trade press to peer-reviewed articles.



All works on this site are the property of the author and are featured here with their express permission.